Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Change, College and the Characters in My Story!

Change. Isn't change a funny thing. One day, you suddenly look around and realize everything is different. Generally as humans we don't like change, but isn't that an irony? We live in a world where nothing stays the same, so it's contradictory to hope that we can live each day the same as the life before. Just like the weather and seasons change from day to day, people are variables too. It is nonsensical to expect someone to be and act the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's human nature to change; only God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Yesterday I looked around and it struck me, I'm in college! Wow! In my mind I'm stuck in my sophomore year of high school: in good small Rexburg, starting to date, loving school (but not too much homework), couldn't do sports to save my life, tons of friends, and extremely awkward! :) I had a huge group of friends and we had parties every weekend and hung out all the time. Throughout high school my friend group slowly shrunk. The ones I remained close to became my world to me. I would vent to them, giggle about boys, laugh, do dumb things and just have fun. I loved life! High school was fun, I'll never say it wasn't! I made some fabulous friendships and I hope at least a couple of them last for life.

Me on a fun photo shoot sophomore year, perfect example of my awkwardness.

Now here I am: in Logan at USU, I am preparing myself for a mission, enjoying school (but working hard), fabulous roommates and friends and well... still awkward! I discovered today I am pretty good at ultimate Frisbee! I never thought I would ever be good at anything that involved running and throwing things! I live with 7 amazing girls, and other fabulous people live in my building and we do lots together. As fun and fabulous as high school was, college is 100 times better! I live with my friends, classes are what I actually want to learn about, and we are in charge of ourselves. I can go dance on the quad at midnight, or play Frisbee in the freezing cold, stay up late watching movies or walk to the other side of town on a whim.

My friend Katie and I in Aggie-colored tutu's hugging the legs of the Olsen Statue outside the Romney Stadium after Homecoming.

So I realized, I'm still am that sophomore girl. I still have the same favorite color and I'm still awkward and obnoxious. Above all else, I still have amazing friends. Some are the same, but most aren't actually. That's okay though, because the people I know now are the ones my life will forever change with. At least 6 of them will serve missions the same time I do so we can live together when we get back.  These are the friends that will be there when I meet my future husband and torture him lots. They will live near me when I have my first child. They will be there when my life completely changes, and I couldn't ask for better people to share these life experience with. 

As my life continues and I change some more, I am confident that where ever I go, there will be great friends, and my circle will only grow! Life continues and I can always find the friends I need, and I know that one day, I will find my best friend that I can spend eternity with! I will work hard to make sure to keep some of these friends now forever as well! 

Gather friends as you go through your life's journey!

Our life is our story; we control how we change, and we control how we adjust to the changes! We write it and we decide! So make good choices and change for the better. I did, and am trying to.

Monday, October 6, 2014

My Future Husband

A couple weeks ago in Relief Society (the women's organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) we had a lesson on eternal marriage. Part of what we talked about was the fact that even though most of the girls in my ward are freshman we still need to be thinking about when in a couple years we are to the age we might get married. We need to thing about what we want in a husband, but we also need to prepare ourselves for him. If we're not confident in ourselves there is no way we'll be confident in a marriage. A couple people who have been married told me that they are continually working on that fact. They are trying to get past the insecurities they had before marrying their husband. Marriage, even eternal marriage, isn't a cure all. So I'm working on preparing myself for finding him, because deep down, I believe that I haven't met him yet.

Then in General Conference this weekend, someone mentioned something about preparing and praying to find our future spouse and being ready to meet them and deserving of them.

So here is what I want in a husband, or at least the key points:

1) Holds and Honors the Priesthood

Me in front of the Phoenix, Arizona Temple.

The priesthood power is God's power. He gives his worthy son's the authority to use his power in his name. This is the power that created the Earth, parted the Red Sea, healed the blind in Jerusalem and multiplied the loaves and fishes. In modern times, this power was used to translate the Book of Mormon, dedicate temples, church houses and many other buildings and landmarks, and comfort and heal people. 

My husband will be able to give me priesthood blessings. That is a wonder I have grown up with and will not give up. If he is worthy to hold the priesthood, he will also be worthy to take me to an LDS temple where I can be married and sealed to him for time and all eternity, in this life and in the next. And if he can do both, then that means he has a testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

The priesthood however doesn't mean that men are more righteous or more favored than women. Even though women can't hold the priesthood, we are given other blessings and responsibilities. To gain the fullness of my blessings, I must also be worthy to enter the Lord's temples, and have a full testimony of the Church's teachings. For either of us to get all of the blessings we have to work together as a couple. So I am working to gain my testimony, so I can do my part to work towards our eternal marriage.

The day a guy uses his priesthood over me, to say he knows better than me, to receive revelation for me I haven't received for myself, or to say that he is more blessed than I am, is the day I know he is not the one for me. I know my heavenly father loves me, and I know he loves all his children equally, no matter there sex, race, age, religion or choices they have made.

2) Fun to be Around

My good friend Libby and I hiding in a box eating cotton candy and just being silly.

I have to be comfortable with my husband, I want him to be my best friend. I have to be able to tell him anything and everything, and feel like he is reciprocating and being honest with me. But at the same time, I don't want him to be too serious. He has to be able to laugh, and smile, and make me laugh and smile, even on the bad days. I want him to be flirty, and tease me but not too much and love me more than anything. He has to be willing to do the things I want to do, like cuddle on the couch and watch chick flicks or dance to country music. He should have a love for music.

This is a much harder thing to prepare yourself for, but I'm trying to let things go and not be so uptight. I love to laugh and try to find something to laugh or smile about when I'm upset or having a bad day. I'm also trying to try new things, so I'm ready to try out the things that he likes to do.

3) Strong Work Ethic

My acceptance letter to USU!

I want the guy I marry to be able to provide for my family, so I don't have to work if I don't want to while I'm raising kids, or that I could only work part time. I want him to be able to wash dishes and cook along side me, instead of just lying on the couch watching t.v. and I want him to enjoy his work, but look forward to coming home every night so he can get things done on time and not be later than necessary. I want him to be smart so I can have intelligent conversations with him, and I want him to have good goals in life and work and the church.

I'm preparing myself for him by gaining my education, so when hard times come or when I need to I can work and gain an income as well. i'm trying to be focused with my goals and work to improve myself everyday. 

4) Family Man

My "little" brother Justin and I. This picture pretty much sums up our relationship.

Like I said before I want him to be able to help out around the house, but he also has to be good with our kids. Change diapers, attend tea parties, and have tickle tackle fights would all be part of the dad description. Besides our future family though, he has to love and be a part of his family now. I want him to treat his mom like she's his queen, and me like I'm his princess. I also want him to be a part of my family, I want him to care about my siblings and I want my parents to like him.

I love the fact that I am so close to my family and I can talk to them about anything. I can't wait to add to my family by marrying into one! I hope that I get along with all of his family as well. I'm also preparing to raise my kids and keep my home a house of love.

I'm working hard to be worthy of him, and hope and pray everyday that he is doing the same for me. I can't wait to meet you, who ever you are. My future husband!