Wow! Two weeks ago I realized just how strong my testimony was, and in the last two weeks I have seen so many blessings from it. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me so happy! Today in Relief Society (one of the most amazing organizations in the whole entire world! If you are female, 18 or older and not going, I suggest you start! It will better your life!) we talked about recognizing the spirit. Our teacher started off the lesson by having us all talk to our neighbor about a "mini-miracle" we had seen in the past week, a trait we have we're confident in and something that made us smile in the last week. For the second two I always answered I'm confident in my testimony (see my last blog post) and what made me smile was my friends and roommates, as they always make me laugh, and I'd share one story or another. For the miracle though, I thought of one, and then as others shared theirs with me I thought of more kind of like theirs! So here are my miracles, not to tell you how amazing my life (especially the last couple weeks) is, and not to copy Tay (who posted a blog post very similar just about an hour before I started this one; the lesson must have been really good for us both to have the same thoughts!) but so you guys reading this can recognize the different ways the lord works, and notice the miracles in your life. Now lets see if I can remember them all (I bolded the miracle so you don't have to read them all):
- First miracle: Binary. :) You are now thinking I am the biggest nerd ever, (yeah, you're probably right. The end). But seriously. Starting this semester I was so worried about my digital circuits class because I had no idea what to expect. Either the first or second day of the class she gave us reading and it was on binary. I dreaded it, and as I started reading I was so lost and bored, but then it clicked. Now the class I dreaded the most is my favorite, and on a side note the two classes I was the most excited for I don't like.
- This as been the most amazing January ever. There is like no snow on the ground and it has stayed well above 30 during most days! Warm winter in Logan! :)
- Oh and along those same lines, the inversion has stayed away! In version is basically really thick fog that lasts for days. I love being able to see the temple and the mountains. Those are what make Logan really beautiful!
- I am an Undergraduate Research Fellow (URF). That means I get a scholarship to do research starting freshman year. In most fields freshman don't do a lot with research, and if they do it is feeding the animals, taking data/measurements, sweeping and cleaning the beakers, etc. I like encryption. There is not much for a freshman to do in encryption because we don't know all the math/science/computer science we need to yet. I was having tough luck finding a spot. A couple weeks ago I emailed two professors, one over the URFs and the other my last attempt at finding research I was interested in helping out in. My meetings with both professors eventually fell on the same day half an hour apart. the first was URF. I basically told him I couldn't find a spot and I needed to defer until after my mission when I would have more experience, then I went to the second one and it was a perfect match. He said he wanted to see what the results of his idea would be but it was a simple enough idea that even a freshman could help with it, and it was in exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life! He still has to approve the project but cross your fingers and say a prayer for me that it'll work out!
- I have the craziest roommates ever and last weekend I spent a whole half hour listening to Tay talk without taking a break. She is the most hilarious person I have met! She is so kind and loving and has a glowing testimony, but that night I needed the laugh and boy did she deliver. I heard her whole life story and the whole time I'm sitting there thinking, I could never be as spontaneous and funny as Tay! She is our entertainment in C101!
- My schedule this semester is crazy. I have pretty much back to back classes from 8:30 or 9:30 to 2:00, 4:30 or 6:00. and MWF are when all my engineering classes are (digital circuits, linear algebra, mission prep (okay, not really engineering), computer science, and on Wednesdays my Circuits Lab). Wednesday I had homework due in every class but one (and no that one was not mission prep). And the other class the assignment was due Monday after our big roommate sleepover. But I got it all turned in and the only thing I missed was sleeping in and being lazy Monday morning!
- Speaking of homework, I was super stressed about my math homework because I didn't exactly have my math book yet. You see I though I had gotten a good deal and ordered the wrong thing. The book store was all out and if I ordered a new one online it wouldn't be here until next month. The professor kinda posted the assignment late and so I couldn't really borrow someone in my classes and the library didn't have one. I did order one online just so I'd have it for the next assignment, but I was in a pickle. Monday I get a text from someone I had emailed a week ago. They asked me if I still wanted the book. I said yes very much. I was able to cancel my order online because of the holiday weekend and turn in my assignment complete and on time!
- Thursday night my five roommates and I get a text from our RA: "...I totally forgot to mention that we're probably getting a new roommate tomorrow..." We have had two empty beds in our dorm since the end of last semester and had speculated when/if we would get a new roommate. If the spots did get filled we also wondered what she would be like. not to mention the five of us are really tight and we didn't want the new girl to come in and feel let out or be awkward about it. Needless to say we were a tad worried, but honestly we had no need to be. Hailey is amazing and fits in with the rest of us like she's been here all along. I can't wait to get to know her better over the coming semester!
- Friday night! Some of the girls from the second floor had a party and we ate dinner, played games, talked, ate LOTS of candy and watched both Despicable Me's in out PJ's! It was a ton of fun! When the second show was over we all decided we were tired and called it a night. Then when we got to our room and into bed we all decided we caught our second wing and stayed up for another hour talking and getting to know Hailey better. Lots of fun!
- On Saturday, Cass's dad took us all out for dinner and swimming at the hotel he was staying at. It was so much fun! We played keep away in the pool and it was more fun than I had had in a while, especially in a pool! It was fun to just let go and procrastinate homework.
- Today has been a day of miracles. Let me start with Sunday school. Our ward now has three Sunday School classes and Cassidy gets to teach two weeks a month. Because of farewells and the increase in classes gospel principles was pretty empty this week. In fact when all is said and done it was Cass who was teaching, the other four of us roommates, and Katie who is practically a roommate anyway. It was really great just having a small class, and Cass is a great teacher. She is an amazing person over all actually she's been such an example to me since I've met her.
- Two eternal truths that spoke to me from Sunday school. We learned about the creation and emphasized on the fact that all things denote there is a God, and since God is light, as his children we are light too. The earth is perfect, self-mending and beautiful. It couldn't have just became that way, it had to have been created. I know that one day we can be kings and queens of our own kingdom and be the light to our heavenly children.
- Relief society we had the lesson on mini miracles which has brought all these events to my mind.
- As I walked out of Church today I had a big smile on, I realized that church is the only high I need in my life, because it makes me happier than I ever could be with anything else. I also realized that I have gotten more out of it in like the last two months than I ever had before! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is completely true and totally amazing!.
- Today I made homemade dinner for my roomies and I: three cheese, quick lasagna. Homemade food is a miracle for a college student. The end. No but really I love cooking and my roommates seemed to like it too! (at least no one died!)
- We had a valley wide institute devotional today, and our guest apostle was Quentin L. Cook. He spoke on choice and choosing the best of the things that truly mater first. It was such a blessing to hear from an apostle of the Lord.
- The day's I read my scriptures I'm happy the day's I don't I'm not. And if I go I day or two with out reading I'm less likely to read the next day. Personal scripture study is amazing.and i'm so glad I read today! I found the gem I started my blog with and a couple other amazing scriptures that spoke right to my heart.
- I'm amazing at procrastinating homework, and I'm trying hard to keep the sabbath day more holy, (and before someone says "Kitchen Scrabble" Just know it's a work in progress. So we stayed up till about 11 watching a movie, then I ate food and read my scriptures for an hour so I could work on a homework assignment due tomorrow at one. (again I have classes tomorrow from 9:30-2). I was prepared for a long night. I start working on it and then start playing the game. What if I only get 50%,60%, 70%. While I'm doing this I see an announcement online that it is postponed until Wednesday! I worked on it a little bit then called it good.
Now again, while I want to share my what I'm doing and my thoughts and feelings with you, I don't share these things to make my life seem perfect of amazing. It's not. But The gospel makes it better. One thing the gospel teaches is to notice the little things. "By small and simple." What little miracles have occurred in your life today? This week? This month? Think about them. Write them down. Be continually noticing new ones! You will be blessed! Thank you for reading my rather long post.
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Beautiful Logan! |
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